Friday, November 13, 2009

Oh, the decisions!!

We are faced with a big decision to make pretty soon: where to build. When we first put the house up for sale, we had our hearts set on Eagleville, in a little subdivision called Eagle Crest. Long story short, I had a very unpleasant experience with the listing agent for those lots. Not long after that, the lots just disappeared off the realtracs website.I assumed they all sold, or the developer went under. So, we began searching again. We found a neighborhood called Forest Ridge that is only about 5-8 minutes from where we live now. It is very secluded, large lots, and super nice houses! We decided that was where we wanted to go if possible. The only problem is the lot prices. The cheapest lot they have listed is $17,000 more than the price our builder included in our quote. Now I am sure these prices are negotiable, but I don't know about 17K!! However, if that's where God wants us, He will work it out.

So, this past Sunday, while cruising through Realtracs website, what did I stumble on? The lots from Eagle Crest are back up for sale, AND with a different listing agent!! AND, the price of the lots there are right on target with our builder's quote! Mind you we just signed the contract for the sale of our house this Wednesday, so the timing on this is awfully weird. I called the agent listed who was SO very nice and much more honest and helpful then the last one. Apparently the disappearance of the lots on the web were due to the developer finding himself a new listing agent. I guess I was not the only one with a not so nice experience! Now I am torn. I really love the small community of Eagleville. It is such a beautiful area, although it is further away. And that is where the rub comes in. My family is not thrilled with the thought of us moving so far out. Don't get me wrong. They support whatever decision we make, and have told us that we have to do what we think is best for our family. It's just that it is hard enough now to get together, and moving 15-20 minutes further away will not help this situation. Chris and I really need guidance to know what God wants us to do. Please pray for us as we strive to make the right decision in this. My friend Nicole and I went on a little road trip with the our babies yesterday to Eagleville. We drove through our potential neighborhood, and then ate at the local Mexican restaurant there, which by the way, is FABULOUS!! Here are some pics of the lots we like in Eaglecrest:

This lot is nice, but not my favorite. The land seems kinda low, so I am wondering about water issues. It is 0.81 acres.

These next few pics will be of my favorite lot. It is on a slight hill, with a creek in the back. And LOOK at the views behind it!! Beautiful! This lot is 0.93 acres.


Anonymous said...

Tara...I'm so happy for you guys & pray that everything will work out. Just keep the prayers rolling & God will make the right decision for your family. Yippie !!!