Friday, May 29, 2009

Maybe, just maybe!

Well, it's official, we are going to the beach!! YAY! Now I have to start preparations. For those of you who know me well, you know I have slight OCD when it comes to certain things. Especially vacations. I am one of those "pack a little of everything, you never know what you'll need!" type of people. It aggravates me really, but I am such a tight-wad, I can't imagine having to pay for something that you didn't pack, when you already have it at home. Arggh! So, it is very hard for me to be a "light packer". Nearly impossible. We just confirmed the trip with Matt yesterday and I already have 3 lists made. List #1: Things we need to do before we go. (Car maintenance, get a tan, lose weight, find Duke sitter, etc...) List #2: Things I need to purchase before we go. (Bathing suit, ugh!, shorts, new tops, shade tent for Will, etc...) List #3: Things to pack. This list is too long to even start on here. Seriously, this is a sad quirk of mine. I cannot help myself, one of my biggest fears is is not being prepared. And this is not just about vacation. I have a different to-do list every day. It never usually gets completely done, the left overs just get moved to the next days' list. My memory sucks after having Will, so now, when I remember something I need to do, I quickly jot it down on my lists, lest I forget it later. And I would forget it. It has happened too many times! Hi, my name is Tara, and I am a listoholic....... (sigh).

On to happier topics! We met with Builder #2 last night and I think this may really work out! I was correct, the price we had in our head was too good to be true! We had left out the cost for the garage. Even with that, we added up with the builder last night, and the figure was at our budget limit on the nose! Not to mention this house has way more room than we had expected to get, AND it is all brick, so it really is a good deal. Even Chris is excited! Now we need to sell this house! Any takers? :)

I guess that is all for today. I am thinking maybe I should change the name of this blog to something more along the lines of my list fetish. Hmm, I will have to ponder this.......